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Phytochemicals Catalog:
With better understanding of the botanical world with years going by and better equipment of modern facilities in our labs, we are adding more and more high purity phytochemicals in our catalog to serve the industries and academia.

Catalog Number Compound Name CAS No. MF
APC-180 Menthol 89-78-1 C10H20O
APC-181 Mesaconitine 2752-64-9 C33H45NO11
APC-182 Methyleugenol 93-15-2 C11H14O2
APC-183 Mogroside V 88901-36-4 C60H102O29
APC-184 Morin 480-16-0 C15H10O7
APC-185 Muscone 541-91-3 C16H30O
APC-186 Myricetin 529-44-2 C15H10O8
APC-187 Myricitrin 17912-87-7 C21H20O12
APC-188 Naringenin 67604-48-2 C15H12O5
APC-190 Neohesperidin Dihydrochalcone 20702-77-6 C28H36O15
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