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Phytochemicals Catalog:
With better understanding of the botanical world with years going by and better equipment of modern facilities in our labs, we are adding more and more high purity phytochemicals in our catalog to serve the industries and academia.

Catalog Number Compound Name CAS No. MF
APC-302 Tubeimoside I 102040-03-9 C63H98O29
APC-305 Triptolide 38748-32-2 C20H24O6
APC-306 Ursodeoxycholic Acid 128-13-2 C24H40O4
APC-307 Ursolic Acid 77-52-1 C30H48O3
APC-308 Usnic Acid 125-46-2 C18H16O7
APC-309 Vanillic Acid 121-34-6 C8H8O4
APC-311 Wilforlide A 84104-71-2 C30H46O3
APC-312 Wogonin 632-85-9 C16H12O5
APC-313 1,2,3,4,6-O-pentagalloylglucose 14937-32-7 C41H32O26
APC-314 Alizarin 72-48-0 C14H8O4
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